
Come out and support the program with your fellow alumni at our upcoming games and events.  Bring your Aces spirit with you and join us whenever you can.

Robert L. Davidson On Field Dedication at South Ardmore Park

South Ardmore Park 1420 Sussex Rd, Wynnewood

On Sunday, September 10th, 2023, The Lower Merion Soccer Alumni Association, Inc., along with the Lower Merion Township Parks and Recreation Department, will be holding a Soccer Field Dedication Ceremony in the name of legendary coach and teacher Robert L. Davidson. This ceremony will take place on the Upper Soccer Fields at South Ardmore Park […]

Inaugural Games: Special Olympics Soccer

South Ardmore Park 1420 Sussex Rd, Wynnewood

Following the dedication of the Robert L. Davidson Field, the Lower Merion Soccer Alumni Association will then be hosting two friendly soccer games on the Upper Fields at South Ardmore Park at 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm. The first game will be a friendly between Coach Davidson’s beloved Delaware County Special Olympics soccer team and […]

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